ማውጫ - የትንሳኤ/የፋሲካ ፡ መዝሙሮች (Amharic Easter mezmur Song Lyrics)

From WikiMezmur, the free amharic mezmur lyrics database.
ዘልለው ለመሔድ፦ የማውጫ ቁልፎች, ፍለጋ
የገና ፡ መዝሙሮች የልጆች ፡ መዝሙሮች የንስሐ ፡ መዝሙሮች የጋብቻ ፡ መዝሙሮች የትንሳኤ ፡ መዝሙሮች

የትንሳኤ/የፋሲካ ፡ መዝሙሮች። Song lyrics about Easter. If you find more songs that fit under this category please let us know by commenting on the lyrics page.