ማስታወቂያ (Advertising on WikiMezmur)

From WikiMezmur, the free amharic mezmur lyrics database.
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We allow free posting of advertisements as long as they are related to serving God in a meaningful way. In order to post ads please follow the following instructions below.

  • Ads will remain for approximately 1 month.
  • It may take up to a week for ads to be placed on website.
  • Please provide images in jpg, png, or gif format.
  • Ensure that the size of pictures is 550px by 268px (px = pixles)
  • If you are a singer, record company or distributor and need a website page with songs/video samples and links to where to buy your albums we can create it for you. Please contact us.

If You like what we do and you want to share with fellow brothers and sisters about WikiMezmur, we have prepared this PDF that you can download, print and share. We make no profit so we depend on you to spread the word. God Bless You!

<pdf width="654px" height="487px">Wiki_Flyer_2.pdf</pdf>