ጉራጌ ፡ መጣፍ ፡ ቅዱስ ፡ በድምጽ (Gurage Bible in Audio)

From WikiMezmur, the free amharic mezmur lyrics database.
< Bible(ከBible/Guraghe የተዛወረ)
ዘልለው ለመሔድ፦ የማውጫ ቁልፎች, ፍለጋ
Amharic | Tigrinya | Oromiffa
Oromiffa 2 | Gurage | Borana
Wolaytta | Somali

We would like to give credit to Faith Comes by Hearing for making the audio bible available for free to use. May God bless them for their contribution in spreading the word of God.